Tuesday evening, our friends threw us a farewell party. Everyone brought a dish to share.

I thought these were desserts. I thought very wrong. The balls on the left that I thought were cinnamon/glaze donuts were actually fried octopus balls with brown sauce and mayonnaise. The things on the right that I thought were pies were actually like potato-egg Spanish tortillas...

The students gave us farewell gifts: Japanese teacups.

Mr. Yeager and Joe did a skit about Zaccheus...

...which included morning exercises...

...and a close shave with a butter knife as he "got ready" to see Jesus.

Here is a group photo of all of our new friends at the farewell party:

Late Tuesday night, we found ourselves at the Karaoke Castle with a group of students. As you can see, we had a lot of fun singing with them!

Wednesday is our last day. We had lunch in the cafeteria with the students, played a last game of frisbee, and the girls came over for Girls Night in the evening.
This is my last post before traveling back. Please pray for our safety.
I'll never be able to look at cinnamon glazed donuts the same way again...
Travel safely.
Octopus balls, Zaccheus exercising, and Karaoke Castle all in the same post - who would have ever guessed?
It's been great to see the relationships you have formed on the trip. To be able to call these 'strangers' friends and to be able to share the message of Christ in a different culture halfway around the world truly shows the fruit of your faith and the power of our God to use each of us to advance His kingdom here on earth.
We'll be praying for safety in your travels back to Kentucky and that the seeds of faith that have been planted will continue to grow after the team leaves. Praise be to God!
I have seen Mr. Yeager do that skit before an it is just hilarious!!!
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